
Leading Early Global Education

The World has changed so should Early Educaton

A trilingual (English, Spanish, Russian),  immersive, proven learning environment that builds on language, culture, and a child's natural ability to learn and play. Inspiring global citizens through our educators as we strive for excellence with expectations that far exceed State and National Standards.

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World Best Practices

Our Global Early Education Programs focus on Multicultural Competencies and immersing kids into a multilingual classroom. These programs strengthen your child’s global consciousness and their sense of belonging.

Purposefully Designed Enviroment

In addition to physical spaces, our thoughtfully curated environment includes culturally inspired materials, diverse literature, and engaging resources that stimulate curiosity and appreciation for different cultures.

Best Qualified Global Team

Our team is a very fun and professional team, all from diverse backgrounds. We train all our teachers on our special approach of teaching a multilingual and multicultural classroom. As well as all state required licenses.

Welcome to Global Children School

We believe in the value and uniqueness of each child we serve. The mission of Global child School is to cultivate a community of families and teachers working together to provide a high quality, safe, stimulating and positive environment that enhances and fosters the physical, emotional, cognitive, creative and social development of individual children, through intentional play-based learning and discovery.

Modern daycare for global citizens

Inspiring global citizens through our educators as we strive for excellence with expectations that far exceed State and National Standards.

Spanish and Russian Language Learning

Language development is a fundamental aspect of children' growth. We provide a rich linguistic environment where toddlers are exposed to multiple languages through immersive experiences. By introducing languages through songs, stories, and conversations, we lay a strong foundation for language acquisition and cognitive development.

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Holistic Approach

We recognize that toddlers' development is holistic, meaning that all areas of development are interconnected. By providing activities that stimulate various aspects of development simultaneously, such as sensory play for physical and cognitive development or group activities for social and emotional growth, we ensure a well-rounded approach.

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Purposeful Learning Spaces

Our daycare environment is thoughtfully designed to support children' development and learning in various ways:Safe and Stimulating Play Areas, Multisensory Learning EnvironmentsQuiet Spaces for Relaxation: Child-Friendly Facilities: Our facilities are child-friendly, with safety measures in place to ensure a secure environment for toddlers to explore and learn.Nature-Inspired Spaces: We incorporate elements of nature into our physical environment, such as plants, natural light, and outdoor green spaces, to promote a sense of calmness, connection to the natural world, and opportunities for outdoor exploration.

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Parent Involment

We recognize that parents are essential partners in their child's learning journey. We foster open communication and collaboration between parents and educators, providing regular updates on their child's progress, milestones, and areas of growth. Parents are encouraged to share insights into their child's interests, preferences, and cultural background, helping us tailor the learning experience to meet each child's needs.

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Thousands of Happy Customers All Around the World

Morgan Scagliotti Driban
“As a teacher, I have been unhappy with other centers but am very happywith the responsiveness, communication and thoughtfulness of theadministration and teachers at Global Children School.”
M Georgit
“When your child wakes up on a Saturday morning and is upset becausethey couldn’t go to school....... That speaks volumes of the impact theGlobal children teachers and children, have in their growth anddevelopment.”
Olivia Kharin
“They are caring, kind and attentive to kids. My son’s day is filled withcreative activities. While he is exposed to Spanish, English and Russianlanguages! They are also very flexible and accommodating...We couldn’t be happier."
Theresa Ellis
“A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must consumers to take action.”
Patrick Wright
“Grabbing the consumer’s attention isn’t enough. You have to keep that attention. This is where your benefits come into play or a product description that sets your offer apart from the others.”
Jonathan Wood
“How you write your advertising copy will be based on where you will place your ad. You’ll need a super catchy headline.”
Logan Rogers
“A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must consumers to take action.”
Matthew Morris
“Grabbing the consumer’s attention isn’t enough. You have to keep that attention. This is where your benefits come into play or a product description that sets your offer apart from the others.”
Heather Clark
“How you write your advertising copy will be based on where you will place your ad. You’ll need a super catchy headline.”

How do I communicate with Teachers and Admin?

We have an open-door policy that encourages parents to communicate with teachers and administrators freely. We provide regular updates on children' daily activities, milestones, and development through various channels such as daily reports, newsletters, and online platforms. This keeps parents informed and engaged in their child's daycare experience.

What is the daily schedule in the classroom?

We follow a consistent daily schedule that includes a balance of activities such as circle time, free play, art, outdoor time, meals, and rest periods. A predictable routine helps kids feel secure and confident in their environment.

How do you ensure my child's safety and security?

We prioritize the safety and well-being of every child in our care. Our facility is equipped with security measures, and all staff members undergo background checks and receive training in child safety protocols. Additionally, we maintain low child-to-staff ratios to provide personalized attention and supervision.

Do you offer any resources or tips for parents to support transitions at home?

Yes, we provide resources and tips for parents to support smooth transitions at home. This may include creating visual schedules, establishing consistent routines, and offering comfort and encouragement during challenging transitions. We believe that consistency between home and daycare routines fosters a sense of stability and security for children.

What is the ideal age for children to enroll in your daycare program?

We welcome toddlers from ages 3 months to 6 years into our program. We believe in starting language and cultural enrichment at an early age to maximize cognitive development and language acquisition.ed ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers.

Do you have a version for business?

A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers.

Inspiring global citizens through our educators

Join us in shaping the future of young minds and fostering a global perspective. 🌎 Let's make the world smaller for your child, while expanding their horizons.